
Hello. I’m Kate, also known as TheWibbilyWriter (don’t ask how I came up with the name, it’s just some random pseudonym I thought up.

Welcome to my blog! I started it in 2013 when I had begun to write my first novel (which is in it’s last editing stages) and decided that I wanted to join the blog world. At first I had no idea where to start of what to do, but I think I’ve sense (somewhat) gotten the hang of it. However, I don’t write about anything specific here, it’s mostly just my thoughts — not exactly like a journal, but more of a ongoing adventure.

I post anything I think is interesting here, and somethings that are probably not so interesting. Anything you can think of I’ll probably eventually have a post for it. Quotes, music, poetry, photographs, thoughts, and short-stories or snippets of my current novel.

Since this is an about me page, I’ll give some insight into me.

I began writing when I was six years old. I enjoyed creating stories about my pets, mostly my cats. It was fun and I made pictures of them myself (although they were sorta terrible) and wrote about what I thought they would talk to each other about and make them go on fantastic adventures. It was fun, and kept me occupied while my family and I lived out in the country where there weren’t many kids my own age. I’ve been writing ever since, and still have all those stories I wrote about my cats that I revisit from time to time. It makes me smile to see how far I’ve come from then to now.

I am an amateur photographer — and I enjoy taking photos of almost anything, especially if it’s in nature or has to do with nature. There’s a tranquil peace in taking photos of the earth, and I hope this coming summer I can get back into hiking and taking more photos of landscapes and the earth around me.

I can be shy and I get nervous sometimes in crowds of people. Public speaking is really not a strong suit, although I enjoy talking to people and learning about their stories and adventures. I love music and art. If I lived close by to an art museum I’d probably spend most of my time there, but where I’m currently living there isn’t much about the arts here.

In the summer of 2014, right after my birthday in July, my mom, siblings and I had a rough patch with some now ex family, where we lost our home and had nowhere to go. It was a changing experience, and the first time I had felt utterly alone and hopeless. It was a dark patch in my life and I’m glad to say that the events of my life is (I hope) beginning to look up.

There may be a few posts here and there reminiscing on what happened then — as a post of remembrance and encouragement. I believe that those dark times in life can make us open our eyes to exactly how good things can be — if we find the strength inside to push forward. Which isn’t in any case easy.

Well, I guess that’s enough about me for now. I don’t want to bore anyone — I’ll update with more information as I think of things to add. Until then, hope you enjoy your look around and if you have anything to say or ask — feel free to leave a comment. 🙂 It means a lot for me to get comments, believe me.

And if you like what you see — stick around and follow my adventure in blogging. It might not be exciting and I might not update everyday, but I do update — and who knows? Maybe someday soon I’ll update with something you’ll really enjoy. The world works in funny ways after all. 😀

Until then, I hope to see you around.



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