East of the Sun, West of the Moon — the folktale

I’ve been doing some studying into old folktales and legends for not only enjoyment but research on how tales and stories have been passed down and how they’ve evolved and changed. My all time favorite story has always been Beauty and the Beast. And no, not because of Disney’s version, although it’s a good adaption I love the original maybe just a little more. One tale that stands out among them though, that is also a favorite of mine, is East of the Sun, West of the Moon.

I’m not quite sure what it is about the tale itself that draws you in, but it certainly does do that. Maybe it’s because the heroine isn’t afraid to go after the prince after she made a mistake, or maybe it’s just the mystery and the way it is written that takes you along on the journey with the characters. I’ve always wonder what would happen if there was a broader adaption on the characters themselves. I know there are some loose adaptations based off of it out there, and their all excellent in their own right and their own form.

I’ve always been a big fan of folktales and legends that deal in the magic and mystery of animal personification. It makes it interesting to know the character’s story, how did they become what they have? And more importantly, what must they do to redeem themselves? To become human again? It makes it all interesting in the writer’s point of view, or even the story tellers point of view.

If you haven’t read the story East of the Sun, West of the Moon and your a fan of Beauty and the Beast, or even if your not, read it. It stands on it’s own as a charming and captivating story of good vs. evil and happy endings with it’s own twist of magic. If you haven’t read it it’s a must read to those who enjoy fairytales as well as a good story that has heart.

Until next time!


Wishing to Return

So, going on a small trip away from home for a little bit. Unsure if I’ll be able to get a signal for internet where I’m going so I know I’ve skipped posts a day or two before but here is a post just to let all know why the infamous WibbilyWriter hasn’t written anything if I don’t get back to posting tonight. πŸ™‚ I hope to be back soon though!

Well, to all out there reading wish me luck on this adventure and I hope for a safe return!

Talk again soon! πŸ˜€

With best wishes to my readers,



The Scientist

I was listening to Coldplay’s The Scientist today. And I realized that it in a way goes with how my life seems to be going at the moment. Life is hard. There is no doubt on it, and in some patches life is harder than it can usually be. Right now is one of those times.

I’m not the type of person to preach about problems and whine about things, but when you get to thinking, I guess sometimes it can be hard to not spread the emotion. The feeling you feel when something happens. Everyone has gone through something terrible and some bad times, but that doesn’t mean that it’ll always stay bad.

I’m one to believe everything goes in a cycle. Where there’s bad there can only be good to follow, and vice versa. Good sometimes means bad will follow – at some point. It may not be for days, weeks, maybe even months before something bad happens. Heck, sometimes it could even be years before something bad happens after a patch of good.

I guess what I’m here saying, or in a way trying too, is no matter how bad things get, or how hard it may seem or become, or how saddened, angry or indifferent you feel. Something good will follow the bad, sometimes it’s just the wait that takes forever and makes that hope that something good will happen seem impossible and untrue.

Nobody can help that bad things happen, sometimes to good people, when it seems that all is lost, it’s hard to keep going but somehow most of us do find a way to keep going. And that’s what makes things worth it, you keep going even when it seems pointless to keep going. Just have to find something, even if it something small; a spark, an ember, and turn it into a flame, and then from there a roaring fire.

Never give up on yourself. Or the notion that you can make things better no matter how hard something seems, or how untouchable or how unreachable, fight and never give in until you feel that fire in your heart that let’s you know, that it was worth it, the fight and the rough patches let way from a cloudy rain filled day to a clear blue sky with the sun shining down.

Never give up, because even when it seems nothing is ever easy, the challenge may just present something worth it at the end.
