Hello Blog World!

Hello to the Blog world out there. I know I have been slacking on the uptake of posting and my goal in the coming month is to not slack at all in posting at least one post a dat. Be it a quote, a hello, a ramble or maybe if I (and my readers out there, I know there are a few of you) a writing post here and there. So since the new month starts soon here’s to staying on track and good luck on my goal for the new month. 🙂 Wish me luck.

Life. Is. A. Scary. Object

Well, I’m back with an update that a hectic life can sometimes get in the way. I know everyone has had a hectic day or two in life, so I take careful thought on that knowing and being glad that well, I’m not the only one that life gets crazy on. I don’t know what holds in the future but I hope to update with more interesting things, unfortunately, hectic life doesn’t always make that easy. So, here’s to wishing me good luck in future posts that aren’t boring or just random rambles. lol.

More I hope to come soon! And with all the good luck wishing here’s to everyone else some good luck as well!

Until next time.


Fairy tales & Fiction Stories

Writing can sometimes be some serious business. And especially when coming up with a world that fits the characters story and how they form to the world around them. With fairy tales it’s always interesting to me coming up with mythos for the creatures in the world around the main protagonist.

I enjoy writing a wide variety of stories. From fantasy to horror, romance to comedy. And sometimes, even mixing a little bit of it altogether. Mysteries. Thrillers. Suspense. It’s all amazing. It’s fun, it’s something I’ve always been very passionate about. However, even being passionate about writing, I don’t always have confidence in my writing. I know everyone improves as they practice on their preferred passion or art that they are drawn too.

But sometimes I feel things are to cliché, and too repetitive and all those other writing taboos that makes you feel like your writing the same thing over again. The writing rut is what I call it. I try to have variety in worlds and characters and things that carry the story along. Some themes overlap, but I try to always make each one that might be the same theme (mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, etc.) different from other things I’ve written in the same theme.

This post, as scattered and random as it may be, is to tell and let other writers out there know that even if you aren’t confident in your own writing, it’s okay. You’ll get better at it and be the best you can be. Practice makes perfect they say, and even if I may not be confident in my own writing right now, I know will some planning and practice I’ll get better and get where I wish to be with it. Trust in your ability and in yourself, and never give up! I know it might seem like the same old comforting words everyone uses but, it’s true. Never give up. Keep going. And don’t stop until you meet the goals you set for yourself, but make sure their small goals and you work your way up to the top of the line, because if you work hard enough and keep it up you’ll get there with some hard work and time and passion for what you love.


P.S. Today is the birthday of someone special to me, so here’s a happy birthday and I hope you had a good day!